
Issue No. 126 —

Old Faithful

Are you hav­ing peo­ple over for the Raven’s game this week­end? The last thing you’ll want to be doing while your Ravens are tak­ing it to the Patri­ots in the AFC Cham­pi­onship game is mak­ing drinks for every­one. The best way to keep your guests hap­py and liquored up while main­tain­ing fives on your seat is to pre­pare a punch.

I got this recipe from Dan Sear­ing’s book The Punch Bowl. The Old Faith­ful is a recipe by Gina Cher­se­vani of Wash­ing­ton D.C.‘s PS7. I got a block of ice from a local ice shop. Use clear ice for the best pre­sen­ta­tion, but if you can’t get your hands on clear ice you can always make a block at home. You can freeze it in a Tup­per­ware con­tain­er. Some­times I like to use a taco sal­ad mold. You can even cut the bot­toms off two liter soda bot­tles for molds.

I made a slight alter­ation to this recipe to cel­e­brate the Ravens. I added pur­ple food col­or­ing to sup­port my team.


  • 1 750-ml bot­tle of bourbon
  • 1 2/3 cups of Saint Ger­main
  • 4 cups of fresh grape­fruit juice
  • 1/2 cup of pow­dered sugar
  • 20 dash­es of grape­fruit bitters
  • 1 750-ml bot­tle of sparkling water
  • 30 mint leaves
  • 20 stripes of grape­fruit peels

In a large bowl, whisk togeth­er the pow­dered sug­ar, bour­bon, and  Saint Ger­main until the sug­ar is dis­solved. Add the grape­fruit juice and bit­ters and stir. Top the punch with mint leaves and grape­fruit peels, then stir gen­tly. Let it sit for about an hour. Imme­di­ate­ly before serv­ing add the sparkling water.

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