
Original Recipe No. 96 —

The Trouble I’ve Been Looking For

After a long day of work this stirred cock­tail is pre­cise­ly the trou­ble I’ve been look­ing for. This fall I’ve been reach­ing for the apple brandy more than usu­al. It’s a break from my favorite spir­it, bour­bon, with­out veer­ing too far off the whiskey trail. Most recent­ly, Laird’s 7 1/2 year has been my apple brandy of choice for cock­tails. If you have the clams Clear Creek apple brandy will also turn this cock­tail out.


  • 2 oz Apple Brandy
  • ¾ oz Yel­low Chartreuse
  • ½ oz Cynar
  • ¼ Sloe Gin
  • Gar­nish with a Cherry

Place all ingre­di­ents in a mix­ing glass except the gar­nish. Stir with ice and strain into a chilled cock­tail glass. Gar­nish with a cher­ry, a fresh apple slice or even a dehy­drat­ed apple slice.

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