
Issue No. 110 —

Ginger Rogers

The Gin­ger Rogers is the per­fect pool­side cock­tail. It’s refresh­ing and it’s easy to make. Not to men­tion mint, gin, gin­ger, and gin­ger ale are per­fect com­pli­ments. Ide­ally you’d want to use a collins glass for this cock­tail, but when you’re pool­side you’ll take what you can get.

This recipe was cre­ated at Portland’s Zefiro in 1995 by Mar­co­v­aldo Dionysos. It gained its pop­u­lar­ity at Absinthe Brasserie and Bar in San Fran­cisco where it was one of the most ordered drinks. It’s also the cock­tail that inspired the book The Art of the Bar.


  • 2 oz gin
  • 1/2 oz fresh lime juice
  • 1/2 oz gin­ger syrup
  • 8 to 10 mint leaves
  • Top with gin­ger ale
  • Gar­nish with a lime wedge

Pick 8–10 mint leaves. Place in your hand and clap your hands together to wake up the mint. Place into cock­tail shaker. Add 1/2 oz of gin­ger syrup and then give the mint a few taps with a mud­dler. Add the gin, lime juice, and ice to your shaker. Shake well. Dou­ble strain into a collins glass filled with ice. Top with approx­i­mately 1 oz of gin­ger ale. Gar­nish with a mint sprig and a lime wedge.

Recipe by Marcovaldo Dionysos

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