
Original Recipe No. 111 —

The Gaucho

The inspi­ra­tion for this recipe was the mar­riage of tequi­la and cof­fee. You can see this unex­pect­ed pair­ing in a hand­ful of suc­cess­ful Latin Amer­i­can cock­tails (e.g. Mex­i­can Cof­fee). With the help of a local barista I cre­at­ed a small batch of cof­fee bit­ters espe­cial­ly for this recipe. You can buy cof­fee bit­ters at Cock­tail King­dom. And to tie in yet anoth­er fla­vor of South Amer­i­ca I topped The Gau­cho off with an Argen­tin­ian red wine (Mal­bec) float.


  • 1 1/2 oz ane­jo tequila
  • 1/4 oz mezcal
  • 3/4 oz Orig­i­nal Combier
  • 3/4 oz Cynar
  • 4 dash­es of Post Pro­hi­bi­tion Cof­fee Bitters
  • Mal­bec red wine float
  • 1 orange twist for garnish

Add all ingre­di­ents in a mix­ing glass except the orange twist and the red wine. Stir with ice. Strain into a rocks fill dou­ble old fash­ioned glass. Gar­nish with an orange twist and then float a small amount of red wine on top.

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