
Original Recipe No. 144 —

The Bearcat


This cock­tail is a fiery lit­tle num­ber so it seemed fit­ting to call her “The Bearcat” — a 1920’s slang term for a feisty, hot-blood­ed gal. The Bearcat has quick­ly become a favorite com­pan­ion dur­ing the sum­mer thun­der­storms, and I’m already look­ing for­ward to bring­ing her back out in the autumn and win­ter months.

The veg­e­tal attrib­ut­es of Cynar, matched with the sweet heat of the Ancho Reyes Chili Liqueur, come togeth­er here for a unique and entic­ing fla­vor pro­file. The mez­cal rinse draws you in with its smok­i­ness while the Pikesville Rye leaves a lin­ger­ing spici­ness. While we’re fond of the Pikesville Rye in Mary­land, any rye will work in the Bearcat — as long as it has the spicy char­ac­ter to stand up against the Ancho Reyes, Cynar, and mezcal.

Watch out boy. She’ll chew you up.”



Add all  ingre­di­ents (except the mescal and gar­nish) to the mix­ing glass. Add ice and stir. Rinse your cock­tail glass with mez­cal. Express orange oils into the cock­tail glass and rub orange oils over the rim. Strain ingre­di­ents into your cock­tail glass. Gar­nish, and enjoy.

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