
Issue No. 84 —

Strawberry Letter #22

Kitchen Kon­fi­dence recent­ly post­ed a won­der­ful arti­cle fea­tur­ing my Straw­ber­ry Let­ter #22. Kitchen Kon­fi­dence is a major source of inspi­ra­tion for great dish­es and cock­tails alike. It’s straw­ber­ry sea­son so tim­ing on this drink is per­fect. I’ve fea­tured this cock­tail a cou­ple times on my menu at our Liba­tion Lounge event. Car­bon­at­ed drinks are always pop­u­lar come the warmer seasons.


Strawberry Letter #22

  • 2 oz light rum
  • 3/4 oz lime juice
  • 1/2 oz straw­ber­ry syrup
  • 1/4 oz root beer liqueur
  • Gar­nish with a strawberry

First mud­dle 2–3 straw­ber­ries in your cock­tail shak­er. Shake all ingre­di­ents with ice except the straw­ber­ry gar­nish. If you are going to car­bon­ate the drink increase your ingre­di­ents to make at least 5 cock­tails. The liq­uids should be chilled before adding to the Twist ‘n Sparkle.  Once chilled, pour the liq­uids in to the Twist ‘n Sparkle and car­bon­ate. Dou­ble strain into a ice filled old fash­ioned glass or serve up in a cock­tail glass and gar­nish with a strawberry.

If you don’t want to car­bon­ate this drink, just add ice to your shak­er and shake until thor­ough­ly chilled and pre­pare it the same way.

Video by Kitchen Kon­fi­dence via You Tube

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