
Original Recipe No. 70 —

Dorothy Dandridge

  • 1 1/2 oz pecan bour­bon
  • 1/2 oz amaro
  • 1/2 Lil­let Blanc
  • 1/2 oz house made apple cider
  • 1/4 oz hon­ey sim­ple syrup
  • Gar­nish with an apple slice

Add all ingre­di­ents except the apple gar­nish and shake with ice. Strain into a chilled cock­tail glass. Gar­nish with an apple slice. I also serve this drink with a side of the can­died pecans. The pecans come from the bour­bon infusion.

Recipe invent­ed by Josh Sullivan

Pecan Infused Bourbon

  • 750 ml of bourbon
  • 2 cups of pecans

Here’s the prepa­ra­tion for the pecans. First soak your pecans in water for 30 min­utes, then strain. Place pecans on a bak­ing sheet and pre­heat the oven for 300 degrees. Sprin­kle with salt, pep­per, and cayenne pep­per on the pecans for fla­vor. Bake for 20 min­utes. Allow to cool and place in a ster­il­ized mason jar. Top pecans with bour­bon and infuse for 4–5 days. Strain with a cof­fee fil­ter or Bri­ta fil­ter to remove any sed­i­ment. I’m cur­rently look­ing into agar clar­i­fi­ca­tion to help remove sed­i­ment and improve the over all appearance.

You may also notice in the cock­tail pho­to­graph above that the bour­bon soaked pecans make one hell of a snack to serve with your cock­tails. I like to roast them, but be very care­ful as they are alco­hol soaked.

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