
Original Recipe No. 108 —

Justice For All

Jus­tice For All is a cock­tail I was com­mis­sioned to cre­ate and serve for a Baltimore/DC adver­tis­ing fir­m’s client par­ty. This recipe is a twist on the clas­sic Side­car. I ramped up the fla­vor pro­file and added my own per­son­al touch with a home­made hon­ey syrup that fea­tures notes of chamomile, clove and black pep­per­corn. To bal­ance the addi­tion­al sweet­ness I also includ­ed a bit­ter­ing-agent in Mon­tene­gro Amaro.

Side Note: Wash­ing­ton D.C.‘s mot­to is “Jus­tice For All”, so it seemed like a per­fect name for this cocktail.


  • 1 1/2 oz Brandy or Cognac
  • 1 oz lemon juice
  • 1/2 oz Com­bier L’Orange
  • 1/2 oz Mon­tene­gro Amaro
  • 1/2 oz hon­ey syrup with chamomile, clove & black peppercorn
  • Dash of Post Pro­hi­bi­tion Pick Me Up Bitters
  • Dash of Angos­tu­ra Bit­ters on top for garnish
  • Gar­nish with an orange and lemon twist
  • Gar­nish with a chamomile flower (option­al)

Add all ingre­di­ents into a shak­er tin except the Angos­tu­ra Bit­ters,  and the orange and lemon twist gar­nish­es. Shake with ice and strain into an ice filled collins glass. Add a cou­ple dash­es of Angos­tu­ra Bit­ters on top. Also gar­nish with an orange and lemon twist.

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