
Original Recipe No. 92 —

Inferno é Paradiso!

In the Divine Com­edy (1321), Dante described his vision of the after­life in three breath­tak­ingly detailed can­ti­cas com­pris­ing an epic poem: Inferno (Hell), Pur­ga­to­rio (Pur­ga­tory) and Par­adiso (Par­adise). This cock­tail gives you a touch of infer­nal heat with the jalapeño, but bal­ances that with the heav­enly cool of freshly juiced hon­ey­dew and cucum­ber. The result is pure poetry.


  • 1 1/2 oz reposado tequila
  • 1/2 oz hon­ey­dew juice
  • 1/2 oz cucum­ber juice
  • 1/4 oz lime juice
  • 1/2 oz Lil­let Blanc
  • 1/2 oz sim­ple syrup
  • Cou­ple dashes of salt
  • One small slice of jalapeño
  • 8 leaves of cilantro
  • Gar­nish with a leaf of cilantro

Mud­dle the jalapeño slice, (@1/2 slice) cilantro and sim­ple syrup in a cock­tail shaker. Add the rest of the ingre­di­ents to your shaker and shake with ice. Dou­ble strain into a chilled cock­tail glass and gar­nish with a large piece of cilantro.

Pho­tog­ra­phy by Sean Scheidt.

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