
Issue No. 100 —


There are as many vari­a­tions to the Man­hat­tan’s his­to­ry as there are to its recipe. The most seduc­tive sto­ry, which is wide­ly regard­ed as false, is that the cock­tail was invent­ed for Lady Ran­dolph Churchill (Win­ston’s Moth­er) at the Man­hat­tan Club in the ear­ly 1870’s. This sto­ry might not have sur­vived the test of time, but the cock­tail cer­tain­ly did. It’s a clas­sic that I like to enjoy with a cig­ar and some good conversation.

The one ques­tion you’ll need to decide is whether to use bour­bon or rye. You’ll hear strong opin­ions tout­ing one or the oth­er, but I won’t try to sway you. I enjoy both and think it’s sim­ply a mat­ter of taste. I will, how­ev­er, attempt to sway your choice of ver­mouth. Carpano Anti­ca pairs fan­tas­ti­cal­ly with the fla­vors in this drink and will ele­vate your Man­hat­tan. These days, I like my Man­hat­tan with High West Dou­ble Rye, and I love to add cher­ry bit­ters to tie in the cher­ry garnish.


Add all ingre­di­ents into a mix­ing glass and stir with ice. Strain into a chilled cock­tail glass and gar­nish with a Luxar­do cherry.

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