
Issue No. 104 —

Elephant Flip

Elephant Flip cocktail

Pho­to by the Franklin Mort­gage and Invest­ment Co.

As you may know, I great­ly admire the Franklin Mort­gage and Invest­ment Co.‘s cre­ative cock­tails. Dur­ing my last cou­ple vis­its, a cer­tain cock­tail stole the show. It had my whole par­ty ques­tion­ing the foun­da­tions of log­ic and rea­son. I present to you (insert drum roll) The Ele­phant Flip. When I first tried this cock­tail, I knew I had to seek out its cre­ator. The bar­tender who devel­oped this beau­ty is the Franklin’s own Christi­na Ran­do. She has giv­en birth to a recipe that has a whop­ping 10 ingre­di­ents — ingre­di­ents that you would nev­er think to put togeth­er. I don’t even think I could do it jus­tice in explain­ing its com­plex­i­ties. It’s a cock­tail you must try for your­self. Need­less to say, I’m very excit­ed to share this gem with every­one and now you can make it at home… if you’ve got the mox­ie, kid.


  • 1 oz Ramaz­zot­ti Amaro
  • 1/2 oz Smith & Cross Rum
  • 1/2 oz Buf­fa­lo Trace Bourbon
  • 1/2 oz Demer­ara syrup
  • 1 tsp pome­gran­ate molasses
  • 4 dash­es of Angos­tu­ra bitters
  • 4 dash­es of Xoco­lat Mole bitters
  • Pinch salt
  • Whole egg
  • Top with an IPA – 1 oz

Add all ingre­di­ents to a shak­er besides the IPA. Dry shake to incor­po­rate the egg. Add ice to your shak­er and shake well. Strain into a fizz glass. Top with an IPA. Gar­nish with a bit­ters design on top.

Recipe by Christina Rando

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