
Original Recipe No. 86 —


Some of you might have noticed that the Loli­ta cock­tail has seen dif­fer­ent vari­a­tions over the years. Well, I think we nailed it on this one and this ver­sion is here to stay. The inspi­ra­tion for this cock­tail actu­al­ly came from my chef at work. He was fea­tur­ing a water­mel­on sal­ad with all the ingre­di­ents seen in this cock­tail. I showed my co-work­er and part­ner in crime Paul Palom­bo and said, “If these fla­vors are work­ing in this sal­ad they can work in this cock­tail.” Thus the Loli­ta cock­tail was born.

Let’s Make the Lolita

  • 2 oz vodka
  • 1/2 oz hon­ey syrup (1:1)
  • 1 oz fresh­ly juiced tomato
  • 2 water­mel­on chunks for muddling
  • 3 basil leaves for muddling
  • Cou­ple dash­es of bal­sam­ic vinegar
  • Gar­nish with a cher­ry toma­to and a basil leaf

Mud­dle the basil and water­mel­on first in your cock­tail shak­er. Add all oth­er ingre­di­ents except the gar­nish and shake with ice. Dou­ble strain into an ice filled dou­ble old fash­ioned glass. Gar­nish with a cher­ry toma­to and basil leaf.

note: the toma­to can also be mud­dled in this cock­tail if you’re not juice crazy like me.

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