
Issue No. 119 —

Grande Absente Video

Cril­lon Importers hired me to cre­ate an orig­i­nal cock­tail fea­tur­ing their absinthe, Grande Absente. Grande Absente is an absinthe that’s hand craft­ed in Provence, France just as it was in 1860. That means it has a full mea­sure of worm­wood and is 138 proof.

I filmed this video at the one and only Annabel Lee Tav­ern in Bal­ti­more, Mary­land. Annabel Lee Tav­ern cel­e­brates the mem­o­ry of Edgar Allen Poe and is tru­ly a sen­so­ry step into a bygone era. There was no bet­ter pairing.

After the Gold Rush

  • 2 oz cognac
  • 1/4 oz Grande Absente
  • 1/2 oz Orange Colombo
  • 1/2 oz apri­cot liqueur
  • 2 dash­es of Post Pro­hi­bi­tion Aro­mat­ic Bitters
  • Gar­nish with an orange peel

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