Liquor Cabinet

Issue No. 120 —


Suze Gen­tiane Liqueur is a bit­ter aper­i­tif that’s been pro­duced in France since 1889. Although, I did hear this lat­est recipe has been toned down a bit for the mod­ern con­sumer. It’s cre­ator, Fer­nand Moureaux, cen­tered this liqueur around the fla­vor from yel­low gen­tian root. The wild gen­tian is har­vest­ed from the moun­tains of the Jura and Auvergne regians. Gen­tian root is the main ingre­di­ent in bit­ters and is the main cul­prit for the bit­ter prop­er­ties. Oth­er notable fla­vors are vanil­la and can­died orange.

It was Fer­nand that gave birth to this won­der­ful liqueur, but in 1912 it was the one and only Pablo Picas­so that shot its praise around the world with his piece “Verre et bouteille de Suze.” How about that for a pro­mo­tion! And it was Hen­ri Porte, in 1896, that designed the icon­i­cal­ly slen­der bot­tle for Suze.

Suze used to be one of those liqueurs you had to bring back with you from your trip abroad or have your friend ship you a bot­tle or two. How­ev­er, as of 2012, Domain Select is now import­ing Suze (now a Pern­od brand) to the Unit­ed States.

Suze is bright yel­low in col­or so that could be ben­e­fi­cial to your cock­tails col­or palette. It’s very sim­i­lar to Cam­pari in its bit­ter­ness. Hence, the White Negroni. Below are a few cock­tail recipes fea­tur­ing Suze.

Around $30 a bottle.

White Negroni

  • 1 1/2 oz gin
  • 3/4 oz Dolin Bian­co Vermouth
  • 3/4 oz Suze
  • Gar­nish with a lemon twist

In a mix­ing glass com­bine the gin, Suze and Dolin Bian­co Ver­mouth. Stir with ice and strain into a rocks glass filled with fresh ice. Gar­nish with a lemon twist.

Recipe by Dutch Kills, NYC


  • 1/4 oz absinthe
  • 2 1/2 oz XO cognac
  • 1/2 oz Cointreau
  • 1/2 oz Suze
  • Gar­nish with a lemon twist

Pour the absinthe into a chilled Cham­pagne flute, tilt­ing and rotat­ing the glass to coat the inte­ri­or. Add a few ice cubes and set aside. Add the remain­ing ingre­di­ents to a mix­ing glass and fill with fresh ice. Stir. Dis­card the ice and any excess absinthe from the pre­pared flute and strain the drink into it. Gar­nish with a lemon twist.

Recipe by Gary Regan

Trident with Suze

  • 1 oz aquavit
  • 1 oz Suze
  • 1 oz east india sherry
  • 2 dash­es of peach bitters
  • Gar­nish with a lemon twist

Add all ingre­di­ents into a mix­ing glass except the gar­nish. Stir with ice. Strain into a chilled cock­tail glass and gar­nish with a lemon twist.

I took Robert Hes­s’s Tri­dent cock­tail and switched out the Cynar for Suze. I also used a sweet­er sher­ry because I found the Suze increased the dry­ness of the cock­tail and it need­ed a sweet­er com­po­nent to bal­ance it out.


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