Issue No. 133 —

Grapefruit Hop Syrup

Grapefruit Hop Syrup

Inspired by my recent hobby of home brew­ing, I cre­ated a unique grape­fruit hop syrup to exper­i­ment with. IPAs that have a strong grape­fruit palette are my favorite. I’ve found that cas­cade and amar­illo hops have a nice grape­fruit and cit­rus pro­file to them and I wanted to try this fla­vor com­bi­na­tion in cock­tail recipes. Below are instruc­tions to make your own syrup at home.


Step 1: Peel one grape­fruit with a veg­etable peeler. Scrape all white pith off with a ser­rated knife.

Grapefruit Pith

Step 2: Boil peels in one cup water and one cup sugar. Let it sim­mer for fif­teen minutes.

Step 3: Add one quar­ter ounce of leaf hops. I like to use amar­illo hops. Cook for five minutes.

Cocktail Syrup

Step 4: Let your syrup cool for about fif­teen min­utes or until cool. Dou­ble strain your syrup through a cheese­cloth into a ster­il­ized bot­tle. Your syrup can keep in the fridge for up to a month.

I’ve recently used the grape­fruit hop syrup in this cock­tail recipe inspired by the clas­sic Lucien Guadin Cock­tail. I’d love to know what cre­ations you come up with. I think I’m going to try it in a Caipir­inha. I think it will pair nicely with Cachaca.

Campari Cocktails


  • 1 1/2 oz Blue­coat Gin
  • 3/4 oz Coc­chi Americano
  • 1/2 oz Campari 
  • 1/2 oz grape­fruit hop syrup
  • Gar­nish with a grape­fruit twist

Stir all ingre­di­ents except the gar­nish with ice. Strain into chilled cock­tail glass. Gar­nish with the grape­fruit twist.

Posted in DIY

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