— No. 143 —

Bargain Bourbons

If you’re like me, you’ve prob­a­bly won­dered what is the best bar­gain when select­ing a bour­bon that won’t break the bank. Well, we decided to put that query to the test. We selected seven bour­bons that were all pur­chased for under $25 and blind taste tested them. The results were quite infor­ma­tive. Some results were pre­dictable. Some were eye opening.

— No. 142 —

Pappy Van Winkle’s Family Reserve

Well, we were lucky enough to get our hands on a bot­tle of Pappy Van Winkle’s Fam­ily Reserve 15 year, which some say is the best of the prod­uct line. It wasn’t an easy task secur­ing a bot­tle that’s for sure. This line of wheated bour­bon has a cult-like fol­low­ing. The craze got its start in 1998 when Van Win­kle 20 year was sub­mit­ted to the pres­ti­gious Bev­er­age Tast­ing Insti­tute. It received an unheard of rat­ing of 99 out of 100.