
Post Prohibition is a Baltimore-Based movement celebrating the craft of the cocktail.

Our Mission

When we see pic­tures of the bars and speakeasies of the ear­ly part of the cen­tu­ry, they hold an almost myth­i­cal appeal. Today the ele­gant mys­tique of the pro­hi­bi­tion era bar seems all but lost. Post Pro­hi­bi­tion rec­og­nizes that the mag­ic of those ear­ly days is worth recap­tur­ing, and have found a way to hon­or the her­itage and art form of the cock­tail today. We strive to re-invent the bar scene as we know it, and bring qual­i­ty cock­tails to the home. It‘s time to put away the fla­vored vod­kas and sac­cha­rine ingre­di­ents, and present sea­son­al hand­craft­ed liba­tions for every occasion.

We want to give you the opportunity to

  • Learn from our arti­cles and recipes—you too can cre­ate excep­tion­al cock­tails and cock­tail menus
  • Improve your cock­tails with our house made bitters—spice up your cock­tails at home or at your bar
  • Enjoy and/or ben­e­fit from our events—sharing well craft­ed cock­tails with like­mind­ed bar goers

If you’re a bar owner or manager, Post Prohibition can

  • Orga­nize, pro­mote and throw events at your bar, bring­ing in an estab­lished crowd of cock­tail enthu­si­asts that will open up new rev­enue oppor­tu­ni­ties for your business
  • Pro­vide a con­stant inven­to­ry of splen­did, cus­tom bit­ters for your cock­tail menu
  • Con­sult on sea­son­al cock­tail menu cre­ation and food pairings
  • Train your bar staff on best practices

If you’re a “Do it Yourselfer” or bar-tender, Post Prohibition can

  • Guide you to cock­tail recipes that include the ingre­di­ents you have in front of you
  • Pro­vide you with cus­tom bit­ters you can­not find at the store
  • Expose you to new liquors you may not have been aware of
  • Teach you how to make fresh and afford­able cock­tail ingre­di­ents at home
  • Help you learn more about the craft of the cocktail


  • Orga­nize, pro­mote and throw events at your bar, bring­ing in an estab­lished crowd of cock­tail enthu­si­asts that will open up new rev­enue oppor­tu­ni­ties for your business
  • Pro­vide a con­stant inven­to­ry of splen­did, cus­tom bit­ters for your cock­tail menu
  • Con­sult on sea­son­al cock­tail menu cre­ation and food pairings
  • Train your bar staff on best practices

Get In Touch

Feel free to con­tact me direct­ly: postprohibition@gmail.com.

What you can expect from our events

Book Post Prohibition

Post Pro­hi­bi­tion is a sen­so­ry step into a bygone era, every­thing from clas­sic cock­tails with a mod­ern twist to pro­hi­bi­tion era style music soft­ly play­ing in the back­ground. Our events are opti­mal for enthu­si­asts who demand more of their bar experience.

We invent con­tem­po­rary cock­tails with bold spir­its, liqueurs, bit­ters and bril­liant tech­niques for our guests to enjoy. We love noth­ing more than cre­at­ing well-bal­anced, artis­tic cock­tails with fresh sea­son­al ingre­di­ents. At first sip you’ll notice the thought, prepa­ra­tion, and cal­cu­lat­ed exe­cu­tion that makes Post Pro­hi­bi­tion cock­tails and events so exceptional.

Post Prohibition’s cocktails are about

  • Mak­ing our own bit­ters & sim­ple syrups
  • Juic­ing sea­son­al fruits and vegetables
  • Grow­ing and using organ­ic herbs
  • Using prop­er tech­niques and knowl­edge base to bal­ance these ingredients

Post Pro­hi­bi­tion promis­es to con­stant­ly keep it inter­est­ing with an empha­sis on fresh­ness and qual­i­ty. We want to wow you with our cock­tails and intrigue you with our passion.

It’s not uncom­mon for our guest to inquire about cer­tain liqueurs, aper­i­tifs or ingre­di­ents. You’ll often find a bot­tle of Amaro or faler­num set atop the bar as our bar­tenders explain the nuances of the liqueur while curi­ous guests try a sip.

Post Pro­hi­bi­tion guar­an­tees to change the way you look at cocktails.

But don’t just take our word for it, come out to one of our events. We’d love to have you!