Book Post Prohibition

Our Offerings

  • Orga­nize, pro­mote and throw events at your bar, bring­ing in an estab­lished crowd of cock­tail enthu­si­asts that will open up new rev­enue oppor­tu­ni­ties for your business
  • Pro­vide a con­stant inven­to­ry of splen­did, cus­tom bit­ters for your cock­tail menu
  • Con­sult on sea­son­al cock­tail menu cre­ation and food pairings
  • Train your bar staff on best practices

Please pro­vide as much infor­ma­tion as pos­si­ble about you and/or your orga­ni­za­tion. We will get back to you with­in 1–2 busi­ness days.

[con­tact-form 3 “Book Post Prohibition”]