Issue No. 80 —

Orgeat Syrup

The weath­er is warm­ing up and that means I’ll be fea­tur­ing the old school Trad­er Vic Mai Tai on my menu on occa­sion. This cock­tail dates back to the 40’s and it’s not the neon pink umbrel­la drink you might asso­ciate with the name Mai Tai. Hope­ful­ly you like the taste of rum, because you won’t find any pineap­ple juice hid­ing the taste of alco­hol in this recipe.

You can’t make Trad­er Vic’s Mai Tai with­out orgeat syrup (pro­nounced “awr-zhat”). Orgeat is a sweet almond syrup with a love­ly touch of orange and rose flower water.If you’re lucky you might be able to find a bot­tle at your local liquor store, but quite frankly noth­ing beats the home­made stuff. It’s a lot eas­i­er to make than you might think too. So why not give it a shot?

How to Make Orgeat Syrup


  • 7 oz blanched sliced almonds (no skins)
  • 18 oz of water
  • 2 oz of vodka
  • 3 cups of sugar
  • tea­spoon of rose water
  • 8 dash­es of Post Pro­hi­bi­tion Orange Bitters
  • 1/2 tea­spoon of almond extract
  • 1/8 tea­spoon or less of xan­than gum (very light dusting)


  1. In a bowl cov­er almonds with water and allow to soak for 20 min­utes. Strain and dis­card water.
  2. Then add the 18 oz of water and the 2 oz of vod­ka, allow­ing to soak at least 3 hours or over night. I add vod­ka at this point to help extract the oil from the almonds. Plus the vod­ka will help pre­serve the syrup. If you are using the orgeat for some­thing oth­er then cock­tails feel free to omit the vodka.
  3. With a food proces­sor or hand blender, blend the almonds to release their oils.
  4. Strain almonds through cheese­cloth and a sieve and col­lect the water in a sep­a­rate bowl.
  5. Squeeze the almonds in the cheese­cloth to get all the liq­uid out.
  6. Now take your almond water and sug­ar and bring to a low boil on the stove until the sug­ar is com­plete­ly dissolved.
  7. Remove from heat and allow to cool.
  8. You will notice the almond oil and the water tend to sep­a­rate, this is where the xan­than gum comes into play. With a whisk or hand blender incor­po­rate the xan­than gum.
  9. Add the almond extract to taste. This will kick up the almond fla­vor and is not total­ly nec­es­sary, but I think it’s a nice touch. Also, add the rose water and orange bit­ters. You could use orange flower water here instead of a com­bi­na­tion of the orange bit­ters and rose water. Be care­ful with orange flower water because it is very strong and if you put too much your syrup will taste like perfume.
  10. Bot­tle in ster­ile bottles.

If you like orgeat syrup you should also check out faler­num. Faler­num is a key ingre­di­ent in Don the Beach­comber’s Mai Tai as well as a key ingre­di­ent in many tiki cocktails.

Trader Vic’s Mai Tai

  • 1 oz light rum
  • 1 oz dark rum
  • 1 oz fresh lime juice
  • 3/4 oz orgeat syrup
  • 1/2 oz of Cointreau
  • gar­nish with mint

Add all ingre­di­ents in a cock­tail shak­er, except the mint gar­nish. Shake and strain into a rocks glass filled with crushed ice. Gar­nish with fresh mint. You can also float some dark rum on top of the cock­tail if you like. I tend to exclude fan­cy gar­nish­es such as pineap­ple or neon cherries.

Posted in DIY

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