
Issue No. 106 —

Magellan Gin Video

As you may already know, I’ve been work­ing close­ly with Cril­lon Importers. I’m proud to say they’ve hired me to cre­ate mul­ti­ple recipes and videos for the brand’s Mag­el­lan Gin and Absente. Absente is a won­der­ful absinthe. If you’re an absinthe fan and you haven’t tried Absente, I encour­age you to give it a try.

The first in our series of three videos stars Mag­el­lan Gin. I make my most pop­u­lar cock­tail, the Cucum­ber­ous, at the famous Brew­er’s Art bar in Bal­ti­more, Mary­land. Be sure to keep an eye out for the next two videos fea­tur­ing Absente. Cheers!

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