
Issue No. 154 —


SpagettWet City’s bar­tender Reed Cahill cre­at­ed the Spagett in 2016 when the bar opened. For 3 years it had a cult fol­low­ing with the reg­u­lars at Wet City. Fast for­ward to 2019 where Alex Delany wrote an arti­cle for Bon Apétit mag­a­zine pro­claim­ing the drink his new favorite sum­mer drink, and now we have the world­wide craze we see today.

The idea behind the drink is sim­ple. It’s an Aper­ol Spritz, but sub the Cham­pagne (or Pros­ec­co to be accu­rate) for the “Cham­pagne of Beers”, AKA Miller High Life. It’s named after the Tim and Eric skit, Spagett, where a goofy Ital­ian dude jumps out from behind things to spook peo­ple. The thought is that an Aper­ol Spritz is a fan­cy Ital­ian drink, where the Spagett is a lit­tle bit more low­brow and fit­ting to the Char­ac­ter por­trayed by Tim Hei­deck­er.

AND word got back to Tim about the drink and he tried it for the first time with his dad on social media!


  • 3/4 fresh squeeze lemon
  • 3/4 Aper­ol
  • Miller High Life

Pour out a decent amount of High Life to cre­ate space and then add the lemon and Aper­ol to the High Life bot­tle. That’s it!

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