
Issue No. 23 —

Philly Sling

  • 1 1/2 oz apple brandy (Apple­jack or Calvados)
  • 1 oz Ply­mouth sloe gin
  • 1/2 oz fresh lemon juice
  • 1/4 sim­ple syrup
  • 1 dash of Fee Bros. Whiskey Bar­rel Bitters
  • 1 apple dol­lar slice

Shake all ingre­di­ents except apple dol­lar with ice.

Strain into a chilled cock­tail glass.

Gar­nish with apple dollar.

Recipe by Derek Brown.

To make an apple dollar:

Cut an apple in half from top to bottom.

Cut a thin slice from top to bot­tom from one of the halves.

Pick out seeds, then cen­ter bot­tom of jig­ger around the area where the seeds were and press down to cut a small cir­cle out.

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