
Classic Recipe No. 17 —

Old Fashioned

  • 2  1/2 oz over proof bourbon
  • 1 demer­ara sug­ar cube
  • splash of water
  • 2 orange peels
  • 2 dash­es Angos­tu­ra Bitters
  • 2 dash­es of Post Pro­hi­bi­tion Pick Me Up Bitters
  • 1 lemon peel

In a mix­ing glass add a splash of water and a demer­ara sug­ar cube. Mud­dle the sug­ar cube until it is dis­solved. Add one orange peel and mud­dle to release the orange oils. Add your bit­ters, a healthy amount of bour­bon, ice and stir to chill. Strain into a dou­ble old fash­ioned glass with ice. Larg­er the ice the bet­ter. Gar­nish with an orange and lemon peel. Sip it and dream.

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