
Classic Recipe No. 115 —

Mint Julep

Call me what you will, but I shake my mint julep. I don’t like my straw get­ting clogged with all that mint. It hin­ders the drink­ing expe­ri­ence. So this is how I make my julep.


  • 2 1/2 oz over­proof bour­bon (Noah’s Mill)
  • 3/4 oz sim­ple syrup (1:1)
  • 12 mud­dled mint leaves
  • Crushed ice
  • 1 mint sprig for garnish
  • Dust top with pow­dered sugar
  • 1 small drink­ing straw

Add the sim­ple syrup in a shak­er tin. Then add 12 mint leaves and light­ly mud­dle. Add a healthy amount of over­proof bour­bon, 2 1/2 oz. The rea­son I like a strong bour­bon is because it’s going to dilute with the crushed ice. Rye is becom­ing pop­u­lar these days. I’ve seen a decent amount of bar­tenders sub­sti­tut­ing it for bour­bon. I make my juleps with bour­bon though. Noth­ing beats sweet corn bour­bon in a julep. It’s a Ken­tucky thing and I like to keep it that way. Shake with ice and strain into your julep cup. Top this with a pile of crushed ice. Gar­nish with a nice sprig of mint. A straw helps the drink­ing expe­ri­ence. It can be a pain get­ting to your mint julep through all that crushed ice. A dust­ing of pow­dered sug­ar on top of your julep is also a nice touch.

Be care­ful with Mint Juleps they can bite back. Here is an old soul song by the Clovers- One Mint Julep on the subject.

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