
Original Recipe No. 109 —

Manly Deeds Womanly Words

Beer cock­tails are a pop­u­lar trend right now. As you may have noticed from my events, when sum­mer comes around I like to focus my cre­ative juices on a few beer cock­tail recipes. This one stood out from the rest.

If you think you’re get­ting off easy on the alco­hol per­cent­age, don’t fool your­self. This cock­tail packs a man­ly suck­er punch. It’s sneaky, hid­den by all those pret­ty flo­ral and herbal tones. This is exact­ly why I named the cock­tail Man­ly Deeds Wom­an­ly Words. Not only does it have a won­der­ful bal­ance of mas­cu­line and fem­i­nine fla­vors, but it’s also the Mary­land State mot­to dat­ing all the way back to 1874.

If you plan to make this at home Smith and Cross Rum is a must. The Smith and Cross Rum in the Ele­phant Flip was so out­stand­ing that it inspired me to try it in oth­er beer cock­tail recipes. I also encour­age you to get cre­ative and make the hon­ey sim­ple syrup. It’s eas­i­er than you might think and it adds essen­tial fla­vor com­po­nents to the recipe. I like to use Green Flash West Coast IPA in this recipe, but use what­ev­er IPA you have on hand. Cheers!


  • 3/4 oz Smith and Cross Rum
  • 3/4 oz Buf­fa­lo Trace Bourbon
  • 1/2 oz lemon juice
  • 1/2 oz Mon­tene­gro Amaro
  • 1/2 oz hon­ey syrup (1:1) with chamomile, cloves, and black peppercorns
  • Dash of Post Pro­hi­bi­tion Pick Me Up Bitters
  • Dash of Angos­tu­ra Bitters
  • Top with 2 oz Green Flash West Coast IPA
  • Gar­nish with a thyme sprig

Add all ingre­di­ents to a shak­er tin, except the IPA and the thyme gar­nish. Shake with ice and strain into a 10 oz snifter or tulip glass. Top with 2 oz of Green Flash West Coast IPA. Gar­nish with a thyme sprig.

Honey Syrup

  • 2 cups of water
  • 2 cups of honey
  • 1 1/2 tea­spoons of cloves
  • 1 1/2 tea­spoons black peppercorns
  • 1 1/2 table­spoons of chamomile flowers

Cook the cloves and black pep­per­corns on medi­um low heat first in the hon­ey and water for 15 min­utes. Then add chamomile and con­tin­ue to cook for 5 more min­utes. Strain and let cool. Bot­tle in a ster­il­ized bottle.

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