
Classic Recipe No. 137 —

Corn ‘n Oil

corn n oil

Through all of my research I haven’t been able to iden­ti­fy the ori­gin of this fan­tas­ti­cal­ly sim­ple cock­tail. If you do your own dig­ging you’ll find a few infor­ma­tive arti­cles out there and most of them will list Cruzan Black­straps Rum as the base liquor. It’s this rum that gives the cock­tail it’s crude oil com­plex­ion and it’s fit­ting name. How­ev­er, I find that the Cruzan Black­strap Rum over pow­ers the sub­tleties of the faler­num, the real star of this recipe. I like to use the big, round and mel­low El Dora­do 12 year. It’s not near­ly as sticky sweet and lets the faler­num speak it’s mind. If you pre­fer Jamaican Rum give Black­well Rum a try. Since I’m alter­ing this recipe I also took the lib­er­ty to cre­ate a twist on the faler­num. After a hand­ful of exper­i­ments I dis­cov­ered that an Aper­ol faler­num plays very nice­ly in this recipe.


  • 2 1/2 oz El Dora­do Rum
  • 1/2 oz Aper­ol falernum
  • 4 dash­es of Angos­tu­ra Bitters
  • 2 lime wedges

This cock­tail recipe is so sim­ple I like to build it direct­ly in a dou­ble old fash­ioned rocks glass. Add your rum, faler­num, bit­ters, and then squeeze one lime wedge into the rocks glass. Add ice and stir. Gar­nish with the oth­er lime wedge.

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