
Original Recipe No. 81 —

Blind Tiger

  • 2 oz Infused Rye Whisky with organ­ic stone ground mex­i­can Taza chocolate
  • 3/4 oz Galliano
  • 1/4 oz gomme syrup
  • 4 dash­es Bit­ter Truth Xoco­latl Mole Bitters
  • Gar­nish with an orange peel

Add all ingre­di­ents into a cock­tail shak­er except gar­nish. Shake with ice. Strain into a old fash­ioned glass fill with ice. Gar­nish with an orange peel.

Chocolate Infused Rye

  • 1 cup of shaved sweet­ened Organ­ic Stone Ground Mex­i­can Taza Chocolate
  • 1 bot­tle of Rit­ten­house Rye Whisky 750 ml

Infuse over night. Strain through a sieve and cheesecloth.

I use Taza choco­late because of its unique process. Taza choco­late is stone ground and min­i­mal­ly processed. They use authen­tic Oax­a­can stone mills instead of steel refin­ers to grind their cacao. Due to the imper­fect sur­face of a gran­ite mill­stone, unre­fined cacao par­ti­cles and sug­ar gran­ules remain in the fin­ished choco­late.  These pop with explo­sive fla­vor on the palate, lend­ing the choco­late their dis­tinc­tive gran­u­lar texture.

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