
Original Recipe No. 149 —



Baku is a cock­tail bar­tender Reed Cahill cre­at­ed for Wet City’s open­ing cock­tail menu. This cock­tail was inspired by Japan­ese high­balls. They tend to focus on get­ting as much com­plex­i­ty and depth of fla­vor from a short list of ingre­di­ents as pos­si­ble. We want­ed a breezy sum­mer rye drink that would be acces­si­ble to non-rye drinkers as well. The earth­i­ness of the macadamia orgeat plays off the rye well, while the cream soda gives it its soft, smooth tex­ture.  The 18–21 Japan­ese Chili bit­ters are a favorite, made by a cou­ple of amaz­ing women orig­i­nal­ly from Bal­ti­more who now oper­ate out of Atlanta. They add a lot of depth, and an almost tex­tur­al spice to the drink.



Add the rye, yuzu juice, orgeat and ice to your shak­er. Shake well. Dou­ble strain into a collins glass filled with ice. Top with splash of cream soda. Gar­nish with a lemon twist.

Recipe by Reed Cahill

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