
Issue No. 139 —

Willett Distillery

I recent­ly had the expe­ri­ence of fol­low­ing around the dis­tiller of my favorite dis­tillery with my bud­dies and some cam­era equip­ment. We were there when the dis­tiller opened the doors until he packed it up for the day. Wil­lett was nice enough to give us free rein of the grounds and we got to wit­ness each nuance of the process. To top it all off we sat down with Drew, the mas­ter dis­tiller, and got the low­down on what Wil­lett is all about.

If you’re look­ing for a good whiskey Old Bard­stown will sur­prise you at its price point. It’s also real­ly good for cock­tails. I absolute­ly love their Fam­i­ly Reserve prod­uct line if you’re look­ing for some­thing to sip.… that is if you can find a bot­tle. If you do buy as many as you can.

Spe­cial thanks goes out to Clean Cuts, Cere­bral Lounge and Hard­ly Square for help­ing pro­duce this video.


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