Liquor Cabinet

Issue No. 64 —

Faretti Biscotti Famosi

Farret­ti Bis­cot­ti Famosi liqueur is made in the Trenti­no region of North­ern Italy where they still bake their bis­cot­ti cook­ies in rus­tic brick ovens. Sounds like a hid­den part of heav­en I’ve yet to find.

Just like the tra­di­tion­al twice baked cook­ie, this liqueur’s recipe is based off of nuts, anise, cit­rus and caramel. The base is of vod­ka and it is sweet­ened with beet sug­ar. I’m not sure how this liqueur is craft­ed because there isn’t much on the web, but it gen­uine­ly tastes like liq­uid biscotti.

If you are a pas­try chef or a barista this bot­tle needs to be on your radar. How­ev­er, you don’t have to be a pro­fes­sion­al to enjoy Faret­ti. If you like bis­cot­ti with your cof­fee, but don’t always have a batch handy, try adding an ounce or two to your cof­fee for a fix with a kick.

Sells for under $30 a bot­tle and is a won­der­ful hol­i­day gift idea.

Mamma Faretti

This cock­tail is made using Faret­ti Bis­cot­ti Famosi.

  • 1 1/2 oz espres­so (does­n’t need to be chilled)
  • 1 oz of Faret­ti Bis­cot­ti Famosi
  • 3/4 oz lemon infused vodka

Add all ingre­di­ents in a shak­er tin with ice. Shake and strain in to a chilled cock­tail glass. There are plen­ty of excel­lent gar­nish­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties with this. I pre­fer one of the following:

  • shaved dark choco­late or espres­so bean
  • grat­ed nutmeg
  • brown or turbina­do sug­ar rim

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