
Issue No. 48 —

Libation Lounge

Post Pro­hi­bi­tion is a sen­so­ry step into a bygone era, every thing from clas­sic cock­tails with a mod­ern twist to pro­hi­bi­tion era style music soft­ly play­ing in the back­ground. Our events are opti­mal for enthu­si­asts who demand more of their bar experience.

Here is a pre­view of our Liba­tion Lounge event at the Gin Mill where we invent con­tem­po­rary cock­tails with bold spir­its, liqueurs, bit­ters and bril­liant tech­niques for our guests to enjoy. Spe­cial thanks to Change­Up Mag­a­zine for cap­tur­ing the footage and Owen Lang for the video editing.

Liba­tion Lounge Trail­er from Josh Sul­li­van on Vimeo.

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