— No. 83 —

Bonal Gentiane Quina

Bonal Gen­tiane Quina shares many char­ac­ter­is­tics with ver­mouth, amari and char­treuse. That’s because it’s an infu­sion of gen­tian root, cin­chona (qui­nine) and herbs of the Grand Char­treuse moun­tains, all in a Mis­telle base (for­ti­fied wine). Mis­telle is the result of adding alco­hol (usu­ally brandy) to the juice of crushed grapes rather than fer­ment­ing them to pro­duce the alco­hol. This tech­nique offers a sweeter, fresh fruit tone since the fruc­tose hasn’t been con­verted to alcohol.

— No. 72 —

Carpano Antica

If you haven’t tried Carpano Antica yet, please do so. And if you haven’t tried it on its own you have to. Yes, I just told you to sip on a glass of ver­mouth. Trust me. There’s noth­ing quite like it. You can def­i­nitely drink this over ice like an aperitif.